Destructive and nondestructive changes

During a regular, upgrade type of installation of a clinical data model, if there have been destructive changes to any table, all data in that table is deleted.

Destructive changes include:

  • Removing a column.

  • Decreasing the length of a column.

  • Changing the processing type.

  • Changing the CREATE_AS_VIEW flag.

  • Changing the tablespace name.

  • Changing the primary key.

  • Changing the "allow duplicate rows" setting.

Nondestructive changes include:

  • Increasing the length of a column.

  • Changing the data type of a column from number or date to character.

  • Changing the Blinding attribute of a table from Yes to No or No to Yes.

  • Changes to a table's Support Duplicate attribute from Yes to No or No to Yes.

  • Adding a unique constraint.