Secondary columns

You may want to add secondary columns to ensure the validation check catches changes during different stages of a discrepancy.

For example, you can create a validation check where Gender is the discrepant column and Pregnancy is the secondary column. The validation check criteria specifies that you want to create a discrepancy if the Gender = "Male" and Pregnancy = "Y" or "Maybe." You manually close the discrepancy when the values are Gender = "Male" and Pregnancy = "Y." Then, with a data reload, the validation check detects that the value of Pregnancy changed from "Y" to "Maybe" after you closed it. Therefore, the validation check creates a new discrepancy and includes details on the history of the changes.

Adding secondary columns allows a validation check to verify the column data and automatically take an action if that data changes depending on the state of the discrepancy. See the following table for details.

Table 5-1 Discrepancy state and action taken with secondary columns changes

Discrepancy State Action Taken when Secondary Column Data Changes
Manually Closed or Cancelled Opens a new discrepancy with details on the history of the data in the column. For example, it lists the data the column contained when closed or cancelled and shows what changed (including the dates and times of the previous data and the changed data).
Open, Candidate, or Answered and sent to InForm or another external system Updates the discrepancy with a tag of VCSecDataChange so you can locate it in the list of discrepancies. (You can also use it in a filter to search.) Oracle DMW also adds details on the history of the secondary column data changes (including the date and time of the changes).
Open, Candidate, or Answered (not sent) Updates the discrepancy by changing the state of the discrepancy back to the start state (Open or Candidate) and adds details on the history of the secondary column data changes (including the date and time of changes).
Failed, Pending, or Processing (trying to send to InForm or another external system) Updates the discrepancy by adding details on the history of the secondary column data changes (including the date and time of the changes).


You can add one or more secondary columns to a validation check when you first create the validation check (with or without a custom program) or after you create it. For details on adding secondary columns when you create a validation check, see Complete a validation check without a custom program or Complete a validation check using a custom program. To add or remove secondary columns after creating a validation check, see the following topic.