Set up reference data

You can develop a library of reference tables in a central location for use in transformations in any study. A study grouping called DMW_REFDATA is shipped with DMW for this purpose. You must create at least one "study" and at least one model within it to store your reference tables. You can create multiple studies or models to sort your tables into categories.

You can create target data models and their transformations in a reference data study the same way you can in clinical studies. You can copy these transformations and models into clinical studies.

All reference data models are displayed after study models in the Add Source Model dialog for transformations. The name of the "study" containing each model is also displayed.

For example:

  • Add a table with data on lab normals in DMW_REFDATA, and in a transformation, join it with a study table of lab results to show the lab results along with the normal lab ranges.

  • Add a table with US and metric units and SI conversion factors in DMW_REFDATA, and in a transformation, join it with a study table to convert US to metric units.

To use this feature:

  1. Create a study in DMW_REFDATA.

  2. Create at least one file-type input clinical data model in the study and set up File Watcher for the model.

  3. Create at least one reference table in the model and install it.


    DMW_REFDATA models and their tables are visible in other studies only if they are installed.

    In addition, updated versions of the model containing reference tables must be installed before the study transformation displays the message that it needs to be upgraded.

  4. Load data into the table using File Watcher.

  5. Reference the table from a clinical study transformation in the Development lifecycle stage:

    1. In the Add Model dialog, select the model containing the reference table as a source model.

    2. Map the reference table to a target table.

  6. Before promoting and installing a transformation that uses a reference table to QC or Production, manually promote the reference data model to the appropriate lifecycle, install it, and load data.


    You must manually promote reference data models to QC and Production when they are ready. When transformations that reference tables in the DMW_REFDATA models are promoted to QC or Production, the system automatically changes their reference to the table in the model in the same lifecycle if it exists, but the system cannot automatically promote the model as it does if the model is in the same study.

The following restrictions apply within DMW_REFDATA:

  • After a table in a model has been referenced in another study, the model cannot be removed.

  • The Oracle name of any object cannot be changed.

  • InForm models are not supported.

  • Integration with TMS is not supported.

  • Data blinding is not supported.