CDR Naming Version Object Type

Object information is stored in two tables in the Oracle LSH database: cdr_namings, which contains one row for each defined Oracle LSH object, and cdr_naming_versions, which contains one row for each version of each defined Oracle LSH object. Information from these two tables is stored in two composite database object types: cdr_naming_version_obj_type and cdr_base_obj_type.

For both the composite object types, the attributes company_id, obj_id, obj_ver, namespace_obj_id, and namespace_obj_ver form a composite primary key. You can refer to any existing object using this primary key.

Parameters of type cdr_naming_version_obj_type are required in APIs for creating and modifying an object. To get an object's naming version attribute values, see Get a Naming Version Object.

The attributes of cdr_naming_version_obj_type are:

  • company_id. To get your company ID, use CDR_PUB_DEF_FACTORY_UTILS.GetCompanyId.
  • obj_id is the unique ID of the object. Oracle LSH generates this ID when you create a new object. Enter NULL if you are creating a new object.
  • obj_ver is the object's version number. Enter NULL if you are creating a new object.


    The attributes company_id, obj_id, obj_ver, namespace_obj_id, and namespace_obj_ver together constitute an object's primary key.
  • namespace_obj_id. The unique ID of the object's parent object; for example, a Table instance is always contained in a Work Area, so its namespace_obj_id is the object ID of its Work Area.
  • namespace_obj_ver. The version number of the object's parent object.


    You can create a child object only in the latest version of its parent object. If you pass a namespace version number that is not the latest when creating a child object, the system ignores the value you pass and creates the child in the latest version of the parent.
  • namespace_start_obj_ver. This attribute contains the version number of the parent object at the time the version represented by obj_ver of the object represented by obj_id was created.
  • namespace_end_obj_ver. This attribute contains the version number of the parent object at the time when the version represented by obj_ver of the object represented by obj_id was superseded by a higher version. If the object is still the most current version, then this attribute contains the value 999999. If you are creating a new object, enter 999999.
  • object_type_rc This attribute defines what type of object you are creating or modifying. This value is mandatory for creating objects, but not for modifying objects. See Retrieving Reference Codelist Names and Values for information on retrieving valid values.
  • name. This is the name of the object.
  • owning_location_rc. This attribute is entered in the system at LSH installation time and is stored as a profile in the system. The system automatically sets this value to the profile value for all objects. Enter NULL.
  • checked_out_flag_rc. This value indicates whether the object is currently checked out or not. The possible values are $YESNO$YES and $YESNO$NO. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • checked_out_id is the user ID of the person who checked out the object, if it is currently checked out. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • object_subtype_id. This attribute specifies the ID of the object's subtype. Use CDR_PUB_DF_NAMING_UTIL.GetObjectSubtypeID to retrieve an object's subtype ID. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • description. This is an optional attribute but it is highly recommended that you provide a description for future reference. You can modify the description using appropriate API for the object.
  • ref_company_id. If the object is an instance object, this attribute contains the company ID of the source definition.
  • ref_obj_id. If the object is an instance object, this attribute contains the object ID of the source definition.
  • ref_obj_ver . If the object is an instance object, this attribute contains the object version number of the source definition.
  • copied_from_company_id. If the object is a copy of another object, this attribute contains the company ID of the original object. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • copied_from_obj_id. If the object is a copy of another object, this attribute contains the object ID of the original object. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • copied_from_obj_ver. If the object is a copy of another object, this attribute contains the object version number of the original object. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • object_version_number. This attribute is for Oracle LSH internal use only. Never enter a value for this attribute. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • status_rc. This attribute contains the current status of the object. See Retrieving Reference Codelist Names and Values for information on retrieving valid values. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • validation_status_rc. This attribute contains the current validation status of the object. See Retrieving Reference Codelist Names and Values for information on retrieving valid values. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.
  • version_label. This attribute stores the version label of the object, if any. If you are creating a new object, enter NULL.