Copy the Subject and/or Subject/Visit Table

Use this API to copy the SUBJECT table, the SUBJECT/VISIT table, or both tables from a library data model or from the shipped default structures.




procedure copy_subj_vist_from_lib(
p_api_version 		IN NUMBER
p_init_msg_list 	IN VARCHAR2 default CDR_PUB_DEF_CONSTANTS.G_FALSE
p_commit 		in varchar2 default cdr_pub_def_constants.g_false
p_validation_level	in number default cdr_pub_def_constants.g_valid_level_full
pilibmod	in cdr_naming_version_obj_type
pitgtstdymod	in cdr_naming_version_obj_type
x_return_status out nocopy varchar2
x_msg_count 	out nocopy number
x_msg_data 	out nocopy varchar2);


This API has standard parameters (see Standard Parameters) and the following parameters:

  • PILIBMOD (Mandatory): Enter values for the library model from which you want to copy the tables, if any. This is a parameter of type CDR_NAMING_VERSION_OBJ_TYPE.
    • To copy from a library data model, enter attribute values for the library data model.
    • To copy default table structures, enter null values.
  • PITGTSTDYMOD (Mandatory): Enter values for the study clinical data model into which you want to copy one or both tables. This is a parameter of type CDR_NAMING_VERSION_OBJ_TYPE.
  • PICOPYSEL (Mandatory) Specify which table(s) to copy:
    • SUB to copy the Subject table only.
    • VIS to copy the Subject/Visit table only.
    • BOTH to copy both tables.