Update a Validation Check

Use this API to update a validation check.




PROCEDURE updateValidationCheck (
    p_api_version IN VARCHAR2   
  , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , pi_xFormMapColl in out nocopy dme_xform_map_ex_coll
  , pi_VcSecondaryVarColl in dme_vc_secondary_var_obj_coll default null
  , pi_VcRunMode in VARCHAR2 default 'FULL'


This API has standard parameters (see Standard Parameters) and the following parameters:

  • PI_XFORMMAPCOLL (Mandatory). This is a parameter of collection type DME_XFORM_MAP_EX_COLL and DME_XFORM_MAP_EX_COLL is table of DME_XFORM_MAP_EX_OBJ_TYPE.

    This collection is prepared with both Table level and Column Level maps. Validation Check Details are set at Table level mapping.

    The attributes required for this API from DME_XFORM_MAP_EX_OBJ_TYPE are:

    • For Table Level mapping, all the attributes are required. Name refers to Validation Checks name and enter OBJECT_TYPE_RC = '$OBJTYPES$XFORMMAP'.
    • For Column Level mapping all the attributes are required. Enter OBJECT_TYPE_RC = '$OBJTYPES$XFORMMAP'.
    • MAP_TYPE. Enter '$MAPTYPE$VC'.
    • XFORM_TYPE. Enter '$XFORMTYPE$DIRECT'for single source table and '$XFORMTYPE$JOIN' for multiple source table.
    • PROGRAM_ID. Enter Custom Program Obj_Id when Create Validation Checks using custom program. In other cases leave blank.
    • PROGRAM_VER. Enter Custom Program Obj_Ver when Create Validation Checks using custom program. In other cases leave blank.
    • PROGRAM_TYPE. Write 'CUSTOM' for Custom program, else leave blank. When creating Validation Checks using Custom Program, column level maps are not required in the collection parameter (PI_XFORMMAPCOLL).
    • AUTH_FLAG_RC. Enter '$YESNO$YES' to authorize Validation Checks listing to read blinded data. Otherwise leave blank. It defaults to '$YESNO$NO'.
    • OPERATION_TYPE. '$OPER$MODIFY' for Validation Checks modify.
    • MAP_ENTITY_COLL. It'ss collection type DME_MAP_ENTITY_COLL which is table of DME_MAP_ENTITY_OBJ_TYPE type. Leave blank, if you do not want to update anything.

      For table level, enter both source and target entities with entity identifiers, data_entity indentyfiers, map_relation as SOURCE or TARGET, expression details (see Create or Modify an Expression,) for source and operation type as '$OPER$MODIFY'.

      For column level:

      1. Adding a new column, both source and target entities are required in MAP_ENTITY_COLL collection. For source entities, enter COMPANY_ID, DATAENTITY_ID, DATAENTITY_VER, MAP_RELATION as SOURCE, expresion details (see Create or Modify an Expression,) and operation_type as '$OPER$CREATE' and for target entity, enter ALIAS, map_relation as TARGET and operation_type as '$OPER$CREATE'.
      2. Updating a column, both source and target entities are required in MAP_ENTITY_COLL collection. For source entities, enter COMPANY_ID, MAP_ENTITY_ID, MAP_ENTITY_VER, DATAENTITY_ID, DATAENTITY_VER, MAP_RELATION as SOURCE, expresion details (see Create or Modify an Expression,) and operation_type as '$OPER$MODIFY' and for target entity, COMPANY_ID, MAP_ENTITY_ID, MAP_ENTITY_VER, DATAENTITY_ID, DATAENTITY_VER , enter ALIAS, MAP_RELATION as TARGET and operation_type as '$OPER$ MODIFY'.
      3. Removing a column, both source and target entities are required in MAP_ENTITY_COLL collection. For both source and target entity, enter COMPANY_ID, MAP_ENTITY_ID, MAP_ENTITY_VER, DATAENTITY_ID, DATAENTITY_VER, MAP_RELATION as SOURCE or TARGET and OPERATION_TYPE as '$OPER$ REMOVE'.
    • JOIN_COLL. Leave blank, if you do not want to update anything. Required only for Validation Checks using multiple source tables. This is a collection of type CDR_DM_JOIN_OBJ_COLL. Set only in table level mapping.

      CDR_DM_JOIN_OBJ_COLL is table of type CDR_DM_JOIN_OBJ_TYPE.

      CDR_DM_JOIN_OBJ_TYPE is for Table Joins and set the source and target table ids. This object type has an attribute of collection type DM_JOIN_COL_OBJ_COLL for column joins.

      DM_JOIN_COL_OBJ_COLL is table of type CDR_DM_JOIN_COL_OBJ_TYPE. Table and Column related fields are required along with JOIN_OPERATOR_RC. For POSITION enter 1.

    • VC_DETAILS. Table of DME_VAL_CHECK_DETAILS_OBJ_TYPE. Set only in table level mapping. COMPANY_ID,DISC_OPEN_STATE, DISCREPANCY_TEXT, PRIMARY_SOURCE_COLUMN_ID are mandatory. AUTO_CLOSE_FLAG, CATEGORY_ID and INITIAL_DISC_ACTION_ID are optional. OBJ_ID and OBJ_VER are required only in case of Validation Checks update.
      • DISC_OPEN_STATE: Possible values are '$DISC_STATES$OPEN' and '$DISC_STATES$CANDIDATE'.
      • DISCREPANCY_TEXT: Enter a text as comment for created discrepancies from Validation Checks.
      • PRIMARY_SOURCE_COLUMN_ID: Source Coloumn OBJ_ID on which discrepancy is created.
      • AUTO_CLOSE_FLAG: Possible values are '$YESNO$YES' and '$YESNO$NO'. Enter '$YESNO$YES', if Validation Checks can auto close the discrepancy.
      • CATEGORY_ID: Enter a valid Validation Checks category ID from DME_CATEGORIES.
      • INITIAL_DISC_ACTION_ID : If discrepancies need DM review, enter 31 when DISC_OPEN_STATE='$DISC_STATES$CANDIDATE' or enter 32 when DISC_OPEN_STATE='$DISC_STATES$OPEN'.
  • PI_VCSECONDARYVARCOLL (Optional). This is a parameter of collection type DME_VC_SECONDARY_VAR_SECONDARY_VAR_OBJ and DME_VC_SECONDARY_VAR_OBJ_COLL is a table type of DME_VC_SECONDARY_VAR_OBJ_TYPE. Enter the validation check column details where you want to set the secondary flag variable as Yes. Mandatory attribute types are:
    • DM_COL_OBJ_ID - Add the source column object ID that mapped to the validation check column.
    • VC_COLUMN_NAME - Enter the validation check display column name.


    This only applies to validation checks created without a custom program. For custom validation checks, define the secondary columns in Oracle LSH by adding $DMWVCSECONDARYVAR$ at the end of any text in the Description field of the target table column. (Or, just add it to the Description field without any other text.)

  • PI_VCRUNMODE (Optional). Enter "FULL" for All Source Data and "INCR" for New or Updated Source Data. The default value is "FULL".