3 Access to Private Oracle DMW and Oracle LSH Tables

The published and public interfaces (consisting of views and APIs) always act as the first and recommended method for accessing the data stored in the application tables of Oracle DMW and Oracle LSH. Public interfaces have been tested and secured to ensure that the information retrieved from those methods are accurate, secure, and provided in a manner that is supported, safe, and does not have any negative impact in the performance or operations on the application.

Accessing the private tables of Oracle DMW and Oracle LSH is not a recommended practice. If the private tables are used, it is highly recommended to monitor the load and impact of any queries executed against the private tables. In addition, note the following caveats:

  • Private tables may change from one release to the next.
  • Grants on the private objects may be lost during the upgrades and have to be regranted.
  • The usage of private objects can cause performance issues in the database.