CDR Object-Specific Database Object Types

Each Oracle LSH object type has its own unique attributes beyond what is included in the CDR Naming Version Object Type and CDR Base Object Type. These unique attributes are included in a view for each object type. The view includes information on both definitions and instances of a particular object type. In the case of Tables, it includes Table Descriptors as well as Table definitions and instances.

APIs that are used to create or modify Oracle LSH defined objects contain parameters based on these supplementary database object types. You can set values for the object-specific attributes using these parameters.

For example, the supplementary database object type for Oracle LSH Programs is called cdr_program_obj_type. In the Create Program API, the parameter pi_cdrprgobjtype is of this type. Its attributes are:

  • company_id. To get your company ID, use CDR_PUB_DEF_FACTORY_UTILS.GetCompanyId.
  • obj_id. The unique ID of the Program.
  • obj_ver. The Program's version number.
  • tech_type_id. Different executable object types have different technology types, which can be queried using the view cdr_tech_types_v. Use the column program_type_rc to see which tech type is valid for a particular object type. In the case of Programs, only the tech types whose value in the program_type_rc column is $PROGRAMTYPES$PROGRAM and which are present in the lookup type cdr_tech_types are allowed. They are: $TECHTYPES$SAS, $TECHTYPES$SASCATALOGS, $TECHTYPES$SASFORMATS, $TECHTYPES$PLSQL, $TECHTYPES$REPORTS.


    Tech types that are not included in the lookup type cdr_tech_types are used internally only and should not be used with public APIs.
  • manual_validation_flag_rc. This flag determines whether a Program's outputs receive their validation status from their Execution Setup or must be validated manually. The valid values are: $YESNO$YES and $YESNO$NO.

See the chapter on "Defining Programs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide for information about these attributes. Each object type has its own chapter in this manual where its attributes are described.