Get a Custom Listing Business Area ID for a Model


This API is not supported in Oracle DMW 3.3 release.

When a user logs into a visualization tool, the visualization tool must call an API to initialize the primary data model schema and, if the user wants to see custom listings through the tool, the schema for custom listings. The initialization API requires the business area instance ID, which is not available to a user in DMW.

Use this API to fetch the ID of the business area instance that contains all the custom listings defined in the model.




FUNCTION getCustomListingBA(
pi_nDataModelId IN NUMBER,
pi_vContext IN VARCHAR2) 


pi_nDataModelId Enter the ID of the data model.

pi_vContext Enter the life cycle context value. The allowed values are: $LIFECYCLE$DEV, $LIFECYCLE$PROD, or $LIFECYCLE$QC.

See the following topic for details: