Select a study from the Home page

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If you see the study you want listed in the Studies panel, select it. The Studies panel should show the last-accessed study followed by any designated favorites.
    • If you do not see the study you want, find it through the fields in the Studies panel:

      1. Select the category for the study from the Filter By drop down list (top of the Studies panel).

      2. Type all or part of the name of the study in the Search Study field. After entering the 4th character of the name, the list of studies should automatically refresh to display results.

      3. Press Enter.

        The system displays all studies that contain the string you typed.


        To load all available studies in the Studies panel, you must first complete a search and then remove all search criteria. The Studies panel will then refresh to display the full list of studies you can scroll through.

      4. Select a study. The study's Discrepancy Dashboard loads in the main Workbench section of the page.


The next time you log in, the system displays the last study you worked on. You must select it to work in it.