Create Watched Folders

Create nested directories on one or more computers that the DP Server can access. The folders are:

  • A root folder on each computer where files load into Oracle DMW.
  • Subfolders
    • Six folders: one for each combination of the two file types (SAS and text) and the three lifecycle areas (Development, Quality Control, and Production). These folders can be on different computers, but there can be only six across the installation. Oracle recommends using a naming convention that includes the file type and lifecycle mode.
    • Alternatively, you can use just three folders, one for each lifecycle area and both file types.

    A DP Server must have access to each of these folders; for example, you can set up an NSF mount of the file system to each computer where a DP Server is installed.

    All studies in this Oracle DMW instance must use the same three or six root folders for their input data files. The system creates a study-specific subfolder in each root folder using the name you specify. (See the Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench Administration Guide for details.) The study-specific subfolders become the watched locations for the study.

    You must enter the location of these folders as system profile values; see "Registering Folder Locations" in the Administration chapter of the Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench Administration Guide.


    If the study will use only SAS files or only Text files for data loading, you do not need to create subfolders for the other file type. If you do not plan to use the Quality Control/UAT lifecycle area, you do not need to create subfolders for that lifecycle area.