Deploy Oracle DMW with Default Support for HTTPS

Deploy the Oracle DMW application tier on the WebLogic Server.

  1. After you perform the steps listed in Deploy Oracle DMW on the WebLogic Server, log in as the admin user to the WebLogic Administration Console. The URL is:


    For example:



    If you have an earlier version of Oracle DMW deployed, stop it and delete it before deploying the new version.

    In the WebLogic Administration Console, select Deployments from Domain Structure. A list of all deployed applications appears.

    If dmwapp is included in the list, select its checkbox and:
    1. Stop it by selecting Force Stop Now from the Stop drop-down list.
    2. Delete it by clicking Delete. It no longer appears in the list.
  2. Click Install. The Install Application Assistant opens.
  3. In the paragraph beginning with Locate deployment to install and prepare for deployment, click upload your file(s).
  4. In the Deployment Archive line, click Browse and select dmwapp.ear from your local computer and click Open. The system returns to Install Application Assistant.
  5. In the Install Application Assistant, click Next. This uploads dmwapp.ear to a server directory. This may take some time. When the process completes, the system displays the path to the server directory.
  6. In Install Application Assistant, click Next.
  7. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next. The system displays a list of servers.
  8. Select the managed server where you want to install the application (DMWServer) and click Next. Optional settings appear.
  9. Under General, in the Name field, enter dmwapp and click Finish. The system displays a summary of your selections.
  10. Click Finish. The system deploys the Oracle DMW middle tier on the managed server. After a successful deployment ta new page called Settings for dmwapp appears with the Overview tab displayed.
  11. Click Deployments under Domain Structure to verify that dmwapp is included in the Deployments list and its state is Active.
  12. Go to the login screen to check that the application is running. The URL is:

    For example: