Edit setDomainEnv.sh

As directed in Edit setDomainEnv.sh add the parameter -DhandleDiscEvent set to True on one and only one application server.

This is required to support multiple middle tiers pointing to the same database. Only the server with this parameter set to True will be able to send data from TMS to InForm.

  1. Stop the Administration Server.

  2. Log in to the system, change to the domain\bin directory, and open setDomainEnv.sh in an editing tool.

  3. On only one application server, add a parameter named -DhandleDiscEvent to JAVA_OPTIONS and set its value to TRUE.

    This is required to support multiple middle tiers pointing to the same database. Only the server with this parameter set to True will be able to send data from Oracle Thesaurus Management System (Oracle TMS) to InForm.

    To add the parameter:

    1. Stop the Administration Server.
    2. Log in to the system, change to the domain\bin directory, and open setDomainEnv.sh in an editing tool.
    3. Search for the following text:


    4. Add the parameter and its value within the quotes. For example:
      if [ "${WEBLOGIC_EXTENSION_DIRS}" != "" ] ; then
      export JAVA_OPTIONS
      JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -DhandleDiscEvent=TRUE"
      export JAVA_OPTIONS