Set Up the Distributed Processing Server

The Oracle LSH Distributed Processing (DP) Server is required for File Watcher. Following instructions in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Installation Guide, you have already set up the Distributed Processing (DP) Server, including:

  • Installed the DP Server where it has access to the Oracle SQL*Loader version 19.11 or above. It must also have access to the directories where you will put text data files to be loaded into Oracle DMW; see Create Directories for details.
  • Installed the DP Server where it has access to the SAS processing engine and the directories where you will put SAS data files to be loaded into Oracle DMW.

    If the same DP Server has the access required for both SAS and text files, you need only one DP Server.

  • Started the DP Server with the File Watcher service enabled. The File Watcher service detects files to be loaded.
  • Defined a Service Location in the Oracle LSH user interface for each computer where the DP Server is installed.


    The system populates the list of values in Oracle DMW's Watcher Listing for the Text and SAS DP Servers with the Service Locations you define.
  • Defined a Text for SQL*Loader service on the Service Location that has access to Oracle SQL*Loader and the text files to be loaded. This service loads data from text files into the Oracle DMW database.
  • Defined a SAS service on the Service Location that has access to SAS and the SAS files to be loaded. This service loads data from SAS files into the Oracle DMW database.

See the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide for more information on Service Locations and services.