Verify the Time Zone Setting Used by Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

On the middle tier servers Oracle DMW is implemented using Java, and you must confirm that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is using the correct time zone

Note that a correct return from the UNIX date command does NOT mean that the JVM is using the correct time zone. The JVM looks for the time zone settings as follows. This can vary in different implementations of UNIX/Linux, so check your operating system documentation for further information:

  1. JVM uses the environment variable TZ if it is set.
  2. If TZ is not set, then JVM looks for the file /etc/sysconfig/clock and finds the ZONE entry.
  3. If neither TZ nor ZONE is set, JVM compares the contents of /etc/localtime to the files in /usr/share/zoneinfo looking for a match. The matching path and filename under /usr/share/zoneinfo provides the time zone.

Check the time zone that the DP Server and WebLogic Server are actually using by reading the time zone information displayed at the beginning of most lines in their log files:

  • DP Server: The log file is located in the directory: DP Server Home/log.
  • WebLogic Server: The log file is located in a full path similar to: /app/product/middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/DMWServer/logs.