In DEV and QC, run a full data model installation only to revert destructive changes

  • Recommendation: When you install data models in the DEV or QC lifecycle, run a full installation only to revert destructive changes.

  • Rationale: A regular data model installation modifies existing structures, and a full installation performs a drop and recreate action on the structures.

    DMW does not allow you to make destructive changes to data models in the Production lifecycle. As a result, you should not need to run a full installation in the Production lifecycle.

  • Additional information: When you're working in the Production lifecycle, we do not recommend using the full data model installation. However, you might need to run a full data model installation if you made several changes, deletions, or modifications to the data structure in the DEV or QC lifecycle.

    When you run a regular installation to install data models, DMW updates or upgrades updated tables. When you run a full installation to install data models:

    • DMW drops and recreates all tables.

    • DMW does not drop and recreate the data model schema.

    • LSH drops and recreates the data model schema.

    • LSH drops and recreates Business Area (BA) objects.