Let's set up coding in TMS

Tasks for products users work on SEQUENTIALLY.

To set up coding, TMS users do their tasks first and then DMW users do their tasks last.


3 Tasks


Specify dictionary data to derive from TMS

The administrator must specify which dictionary data to derive by creating one or more TMS Sets for each dictionary with a "column" for each piece of information to be derived. TMS Sets are available for use in all studies. It is not necessary to use all columns in a given study.


Assign dictionary domains to the study

The study builder associates one or more dictionaries to the study, specifying a dictionary domain for each dictionary.


Map dictionary data to table columns

(Study Builder) Load data from the InForm Development database. Load data from the UAT and Prod database when ready.


3 Tasks


DefineĀ dictionaries

To use a dictionary in TMS, you must define the basic dictionary settings, dictionary levels, relations between levels (for strong dictionaries only), and level details.


Upload the files for the dictionaries you want to use in TMS.


TMS dictionary domains allow you to code terms differently in different studies. Domains also determing TMS system behavior, including whether explicit approval is required for manual classifications.