Standard Vigibase subpopulations

The Signal Management feature of Oracle Empirica Signal reports the results of statistical analysis of all records in the Vigibase database. It also reports the results of statistical analysis performed only on reports with certain shared characteristics; for example, reports involving elderly individuals only, or reports with a fatal outcome only.

To identify different subpopulations and types of cases in the Vigibase database, a set of standard queries is supplied and then used as database restrictions in data mining runs.

The standard subpopulations or types of cases used for Signal Management are:

Population Default Query


AgeGroup4 equals '18_64'


AgeGroup4 equals '65_above'


Selection logic: 1 union 2

  1. Seriousness equals 'Death'
  2. Reaction Outcome equals any of the following values: 'Fatal,' 'Died- reaction may be contributory,' 'Died- unrelated to reaction'


Gender equals 'F'


Gender equals 'M'


AgeGroup4 equals '00_17'


Seriousness equals 'Y'