New in AERS Signal Management for the Oracle Empirica Signal 9.1 Release

After upgrading AERS Signal Management 9.0 for use with Oracle Empirica Signal 9.1, signal configurations will support a Detailed Comment column in Product-Event Combinations tables.

Detail Comment column added to Product-Event Combinations table

The Detailed Comment column contains details of the most recent comment entered for the product-event combination.

You must enable the Allow Free Text Signal Comments site option, you can include a Detailed Comment column on the Product-Event Combinations table. The detailed comment also appears on the View Event Comments page selected from a product's Row Action Menu.

Depending on your Allow Free Text Signal Comments site option setting, the comment may be truncated in the Product-Event Combinations table. However, the entire content of the Detailed Comment downloads.

For more information, see Set site options in the Oracle Empirica Signal User Guide and Online Help.