3 Add an existing Oracle Empirica Signal user to Oracle Health IAMS (upgrade only)

To enable access to Oracle Empirica Signal 9.x for a user who already has an Oracle Empirica Signal application account from a previous release of Oracle Empirica Signal, perform steps from the applicable sections below.

If you are upgrading from Oracle Empirica Signal 7.3x to 9.x

  1. Adjust the existing user's account details in Oracle Empirica Signal to work with Oracle Health IAMS.
  2. Identify or create the existing user's Oracle Health IAMS account.
  3. Assign an Oracle Empirica Signal role to the user's Oracle Health IAMS account.

If you are upgrading from Oracle Empirica Signal 8.0x to 9.x

  1. Assign an Oracle Empirica Signal role to the user's Oracle Health IAMS account.
  2. Remove the role(s) that allowed access to the previous version of Oracle Empirica Signal.

If you are upgrading from Oracle Empirica Signal 8.1x to 9.x

No actions are needed.

Select the procedures you need to follow from this list: