Change the user's login ID, name, or e-mail address

As part of ongoing user management, you may have to change or correct the user's login ID, user name, or email address.

  1. Log into Oracle Health IAMS using the URL you received when your CDA account was created.
  2. Under Administration, click Users.
  3. Enter search criteria for the user. For example:

    From the E-mail drop-down, select Contains, and enter the user's email address.


    From the Display Name drop-down, select Contains, and enter the user's display name.

  4. Click Search.
  5. In the Search Results list, select the user’s record, and click Edit.
  6. Update the user's User Login, First Name, Last Name, or E-mail as needed.


    Updated User Login names are saved in lowercase only.
  7. In the upper-right, click Submit.