Review the default user profile in Oracle Empirica Signal

Before you add an Oracle Empirica Signal user in Oracle Health IAMS, the Oracle Empirica Signal Customer Administrator must review the user profile configuration in the Oracle Empirica Signal application for all application instances to be accessed through Oracle Health IAMS, such as UAT and PROD.

A new Oracle Empirica Signal user who is provisioned in Oracle Health IAMS automatically receives the default user profile in Oracle Empirica Signal. The details of the profile are based on the Default User Profile site option setting. The Oracle Empirica Signal Customer Administrator must perform the following in Oracle Empirica Signal:

  • Review the standard Login Group and quota setting.
  • Confirm the standard roles and permissions to be assigned to new users.
  • Review default user preference settings.

For details on the default user profile, see Set site options in the Oracle Empirica Signal User Guide and Online Help.