Attach to an existing topic

Your application can create an attachment to an existing topic. The topic argument in the attachTopic method contains the identifier of the topic. Set the id field of the topicContext argument to the ID of the topic to attach to.

The attachmentInput argument has the name, extension, attachment type, and optional properties of the attachment. The dataHandler field is a W3C MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) type to stream data.

The attachment types are:

  • IMAGE—A ZIP file with a series of JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF images, optional *.txt files, and optional notes.txt files. If a text file other than notes*.txt contains a comma-separated list, each item is rendered on a separate line.
  • FILE—Any file, such as a PDF file.
  • TABLE—An XML representation of a table. An example is a case series table. See XML attachment tables for the XML definition.
  • URL—A URL address in the form http[s]://xxx[:port][/yyy.zzz], with a maximum length of 2000 characters.
  • NOTE—A text note, with a maximum length of 2000 characters.

Typically, your application writes an IMAGE or TABLE attachment to a temporary file, streams the file using the attachTopic, attachNewTopic, or attachAction method, and then deletes the file. A .NET client calls the streamFileAttachment method first, and then calls the attachTopic, attachNewTopic, or attachAction method.

void attachTopic(TopicsServiceContext topicsServiceContext,
  TopicContext topicContext, AttachmentInput attachmentInput)
  throws InvalidArgumentException, TopicsServiceException;

To create an attachment to an existing topic: