Case ID links

When a case ID appears as a link anywhere in the application, you can click the link to drill down to case details. Once you have clicked a case ID link, the color of the link changes. This color change:

  • Applies to only your username and across your Oracle Empirica Signal sessions.
  • Lasts for the number of days that you have set as your user preference, Days to retain visited status for case ID links.
  • Applies across all activities within the application.
  • Applies to data associated with all data configurations in the same database group (an attribute of a configuration).

For example, two data mining runs are based on data configurations in the same database group. When viewing results for one run, you drill down to a list of cases and then click the case ID, 1435. The color of case ID 1435 changes, indicating that you have visited the case ID. You log out, log back in, and view a case series that includes case ID 1435 and is based on the second data configuration. Case ID 1435 appears in the changed color, indicating that you have visited it.


  • The user preference, Days to retain visited status for case ID links, applies to case ID links that you visit after you set the preference.
  • The visited status is reset each time you visit a case ID link. For example, suppose that your user preference is set to 5. On Day 2, you click a case ID link. The link visited status is retained for 5 days beginning with Day 2. You visit the case ID link again on Day 3. The link visited status now is retained for 5 days beginning with Day 3. Then you change the user preference to 10. On Day 9, you view a list of cases that includes the case ID. The case ID link is the original color again because 6 days have passed since Day 3. When you click the link, the user preference is reset, so the visited status is retained for 10 days (the new preference setting) from Day 9.
  • If you do not want case ID links to change color when they are visited, you can set your user preference to retain the visited status of case IDs to 0 days.
  • If the data is associated with a data configuration that is not in a database group, the color of visited case ID links never changes.

To remove the visited status of all your case ID links at any time, click Settings and then click Remove Visited Status of Case ID Links.