Save a case series

  1. Create or edit a query. For more information, see Create a query-based case series or Create an empty case series.
  2. On the Save Case Series page, in the Name field, enter a name for the case series. The name does not need to be unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.
  3. In the Description field, enter an informative description of the case series.
  4. To assign the case series to a project perform one of the following:
    • To assign a case series to an existing project, click Add to existing project and select the project from the drop-down list. Only projects associated with objects that you created or that are published to you appear in the list.
    • To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new project named and enter a project name
  5. Click OK.
    A message tells you that the case series is being saved. If you click Cancel at this point or navigate to another page, the application does not create the case series.