Drilldown options

You can drill down on the count (N) of cases from tables and graphs to access useful options and further information.

The type of data presented during drilldown is from the source database tables, and is determined by the drilldown map table associated with the data configuration.

  • On Oracle Empirica Signal tables, the count (N) of cases is a link that you can click to display a menu with drill-down options.
  • In graphs, you can click an element (such as a bar or cell) of the graph to display the menu.

You can select the following options for the cases that make up the count or are represented by the graph element:

Options Click to

View Cases

View a list of cases.

Create Case Series

Create a case series.

For timestamped data, the As Of date of the case series will be that of the object you are viewing.

Transfer to Case Series

Transfer the list of cases to an existing case series.

Download Cases

Download the list of cases.

Download Case Details

Download case details for the cases to an Excel spreadsheet or a Word Rich Text Format File. You can download case details only if the appropriate site option has been set. (When viewing a particular case, you can also download case details for that one case.)


View a report for the cases. You can run only one report definition at the same time. Report definitions appear only if they are compatible with the data configuration for the object that you are viewing.