Edit a report definition

  1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Report Definitions.
  2. At the top of the Report Definitions page, to the right of Case Series, click Browse.
  3. On the Select Case Series page, filter the case series.
  4. Select the case series to report on and click OK, or double-click on the case series.
    You can also select a case series or query to report on from the Case Series page, Queries page, or Cases page.
    • On the Case Series page or Queries page, click the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for a case series or query, and click Report.
    • On the Cases page, click the Report link.

    The names of valid report definitions appear in bold font on the Report Definitions page. A report definition is valid (and, therefore, can be run) if it includes at least one row variable and one column variable, and no error messages appear for the variables.

  5. To edit a report definition, click the report definition's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon, and click Edit.


    You cannot edit a report definition you didn't create.
  6. On the Edit Report Columns page, you can edit the report columns, the report attributes, and the report descriptors. Click the corresponding radial button.
  7. Perform your edits, then click Save. If you are working on a complex report definition, click Save periodically.

Each time you save the report definition, Oracle Empirica Signal fills in the Modified and Modified By columns on the Report Definitions page.