Look up drug names

Oracle Empirica Signal provides an easy way for you to find the generic drug name associated with a trade name that you provide, or the trade name associated with the generic name that you provide.

This feature is available only if the mapping of trade and generic names has been defined as part of preparing source data for use in the application.

  1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Data Mining Results.
  2. On the Select Criteria page, click Trade/Generic Lookup.
  3. In the Search String field, type a drug name. You can use the % sign as a wildcard character to match zero or more characters in that position. This field is not case-sensitive; for example, if you enter F%IC ACID, both Folinic acid and Folic acid match even though they use mixed case.
  4. Click Search.

    The first 100 drug names (in either the GENERIC_NAME or TRADE_NAME column) that start with, end with, or include the text string are listed.

  5. To sort the results by generic or trade name, click the column name.
  6. To dismiss the dialog box, click Cancel.