Manage Signal Configurations page

On the Manage Signal Configurations page, you can modify, delete, and publish the signal configurations. You must have the Manage Signal Configurations permission or be a superuser to access this page.

General activities

The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:

Row-specific activities

The following options appear in the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for each signal configuration:

For interactive signal configurations only:

Field descriptions—Manage Signal Configurations page

Field Description


Signal configuration name. When more than one signal configuration is published to a user, this name appears on the Signal Review page next to the title.


Description of the signal configuration.

Topic Workflow Configuration

Name of the topic workflow configuration that is integrated with the signal management configuration. When this integration exists, users can associate topics with product-event combinations using the Submit Review dialog box, and topics are stored in this topic workflow configuration.


If product-event combinations have associated topics, you cannot change the associated topic workflow configuration until you remove the associated topics. The Signal History maintains a log of all changes.

Topic Product Field

Topic field in which product names from product-event combinations associated with topics are stored. You can also use the Topic filter when browsing for existing topics from the Submit Review dialog box.

Modified By

Role or name of the user who modified the configuration.


Date and time when the configuration was modified.


Type of signal configuration. The value can be Scripted or Interactive. For more information, see About signal configurations.


Date and time when the configuration was created.

Created By

Role or name of the user who created the configuration.


Identifier assigned automatically to the configuration when the configuration was created. Each configuration ID is unique and is not re-used if the configuration is deleted.

Current Period

Period used in last successful refresh; null if scripted.

Data Refreshed

Date of last successful refresh.