Save a modified product-event table as a new view

A signal view specifies the following for the Product-Event Combinations page:

  • Which columns are included.
  • The sort order of columns.
  • The SQL WHERE clause (if any) that applies selection criteria to product-event combination rows.

When you save the view, you can assign it to a category. These categories populate the Select View menu.


At least one refresh should be run before creating views.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon (Signal Review icon).
  2. (Optional) From the Products By drop-down list, select a product grouping, then select a card to filter the Products table.
  3. Click the product's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) and select View Product-Event Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
  4. In the Product-Event Combinations panel, select a tab, arrange the columns, and sort the columns as you would like them to appear in the view. If available, you can add/modify the SQL WHERE clause.
  5. From the Header Action menu (Header Action menu icon), click Save As View.
  6. In the Name for view field, enter a name for the signal view.


    If the signal configuration has the review period feature set up, each view name should include the length of the review period; for example, New Cases (3 months), New Cases (6 months), New Cases (1 year), and so on.
  7. In the Description text box, enter a description of the signal view. The description appears as hover text when the view is added as a tab.
  8. Assign the view to a category. The category determines the view's location on the Select View menu.
    • To assign the view to an existing category, click Add to existing category and select a category that you created from the drop-down list.
    • To create a new category and assign the view to it, click Add to a new category named and enter a category name. The category name must be unique for the signal configuration.

    See Organize signal views for information about ordering categories and ordering views within categories.

  9. Click OK.

    Oracle Empirica Signal saves the view and adds it to the list of views available in the Add Tab menu. The view can now be used when adding a tab to the Product-Event Combinations panel.