Precision of displayed values in data mining results

This topic covers the precision with which various computed numeric columns in the data mining results table appear. There are three types of computed numeric columns to consider: relative reporting ratio measures, expected values, and probability values.


The full precision of numeric values is present in the underlying database.

Relative reporting ratio measures

  • Numeric values with an absolute value > 10 have one digit to the right of the decimal point.
  • Numeric values between 1 and 10 have two digits to the right of the decimal point.
  • Numeric values less than 1 appear as with three digits after the decimal.
  • Scientific notation is not used.
  • MGPS columns of this type: EB05, EB95, EBGM, ER05, ER95, ERAM, INTSS, PRR, ROR05, ROR95, ROR, RR, EBMAX, RR_IND, EB05_IND, EB95_IND, EBGM_IND, EBGMDIF_IND, E2D_DIV_E_IND, E2D_DIV_F_IND.
  • Logistic regression columns of this type: RR, LROR, LR05, LR95 in the tables for Results and Covariates, INT_REGR, INT_LOF, INT_TOT, INT05, INT95 in the Interactions table

Expected values

  • Numeric values with an absolute value > 10 have one digit to the right of the decimal point.
  • Numeric values between 1 and 10 have two digits to the right of the decimal point.
  • Numeric values between .01 and 1 appear as with three digits after the decimal.
  • Numeric values less than .01 are expressed as scientific notation with four significant figures.
  • Columns of this type: E, F, EXCESS, EXCESS2, PRR_CHISQ, E_IND, EXCESS_IND, EXCESS2_IND, E2D_IND.

Probability values

  • Numeric values between .001 and 1 are displayed as 0.xxxx with four digits after the decimal.
  • Numeric values less than .001 are expressed as scientific notation with four significant figures.
  • (In the event that a value is 1 or greater, it will display with two digits to the right of the decimal point.)
  • Columns of this type: P_VALUE, Q.