Topic Template page

On the Topic Template page, you can view and edit topic template information, including their actions and history.

To expand the sections on this page, click Show All, or click Expand icon for a single section. To hide section details, click Collapse icon for the section or click Hide All.


Section Description Available actions

Topic Template General Information

Displays the current field values that describe a topic template:

  • Includes all standard and custom fields accessible in the initial state, except the following:
    • Topic State
    • Topic Assigned to
    • Project
    • Keywords
  • Each field accepts text, numeric, or provides a list of pre-defined values that you can select. A field that accepts text may also offer a Select Available Values link so you can select one or more values from a list.
  • A date field appears as offsets expressed in days. When the template is used, the date field in the topic is computed based on topic creation date plus topic template offset.
  • Arrow icons may appear after the names of a pair of fields to show that they are a linked pair. For example, if fields for Country (Linked pair icon) and State (Linked pair icon) appear, the arrows indicate that you must select a value for the Country field first and then select a value for the State field. You cannot select a State value first: the values available for State depend on the Country you select.
  • The Visible to work team field displays a comma separated list of work teams whose members will be able to use the topic template. When the page is in edit mode, it appears as a list.
  • To save changes to the Topic Template General Information section, click Save. Saved changes are shown as entries in the History of Topic Template General Information section.

Note: The Save button affects only the Topic Template General Information section of the topic template. You do not need to click Save after you work with Actions.


Template Actions

Displays a list of each specific activity identified for the topic template. Actions may reflect research activities, such as literature searches, scheduled meetings, or any other activity you wish to track for the topic template. When in edit mode, you can click Add Topic Template Action to add an action, or click Row Action menu for an action to view, edit, or delete.




History of Topic Template General Information

Displays information on changes that have taken place for the topic template. A new row is added to the table each time you click Save in the Topic Template General Information section.


Field descriptions—Topic Template General Information

Depending on your organization’s workflow configuration, the following fields appear in this section.

Field Description

Visible to work team

The work team or teams whose members can view or act on the topic template. You can click Browse to view a descriptive list of work teams.


Name of the topic template.


Description of the topic template.