View actions on the calendar

The Calendar tab, selected from the Topic Management page, provides information about open actions that have a value for Planned Completion Date and do not have a value for Actual Completion Date.

The Calendar tab shows actions as a list and on a monthly calendar, along with total counts for past due and upcoming actions. It is filtered by your selection from the Assigned to drop-down list. If you select the All button for the View Items for field, the calendar is not available.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management icon (Topic Management icon).
  2. Click the Calendar tab.
  3. (Optional) From the Topic Workflow Configuration drop-down select a different topic workflow configuration.
  4. (Optional) Select a View items for selector:
    • Me: Topics or actions visible to you and assigned to you.
    • Work team: Topics and actions visible to you and assigned to the selected work team. If you have access to more than one work team, select from the Work Team drop-down list.
    The overdue and upcoming actions are listed and shown on a month-by-month calendar. Totals appear above the list.
  5. To further filter the list and calendar, from the Assigned to drop-down list select a work team or user.
    The List and Calendar views update accordingly.