View column statistics

When you are adding a column for a numeric variable to a report definition on the Edit Data Source dialog box, or defining cutpoints for a numeric or date variable in a data configuration on the Cutpoints for Variable dialog box, you can click View Column Statistics to view information about the distribution of values for the variable in the source data.

The following information is provided for numeric and date variables:

  • A histogram—A graph of grouped (binned) data showing frequency distribution. The x-axis represents values from the source data and the y-axis represents counts of cases. A shaded rectangular block in the graph represents each bin. A bin is a range of x-axis values. The top of each block indicates the count of cases for the bin.
  • Minimum—Minimum value.
  • Maximum—Maximum value.
  • Distinct Values—Number of distinct values.
  • Total Values—Total number of values.

The following additional information is provided for date variables:

  • Average—Average value.
  • Standard Deviation—Standard deviation of values.
  • Variance—Variance of values.

When you point to a block in the histogram, the following information appears:

  • The range of x-axis values for the bin.
  • The cumulative count of cases with that range of values.
  • The cumulative percentage of cases with that range of values.