View a data source table

From within Oracle Empirica Signal, you can view the data source tables referenced by the data configuration associated with the currently selected run. For more information, see What is source data?


Only a superuser can view data source tables.
  1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Data Mining Runs.
  2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all projects.
  3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to include all configurations.
  4. Select the Row Action menu icon (Row Action menu icon) for a run, and then click View Jobs for Run.
  5. In the upper-right corner, click Sources.
  6. Click the name of the data source table that you want to view.
  7. (Optional) Perform actions on the table:
    • To set viewing options, click Options.
    • To filter the data that you want to view to certain specified characteristics, click Filter.
    • To download the data in the table, click Download (available if you have the Download Raw Data permission).

Data Source Tables

The following data source tables might be available to view:

Table Description

Complete Results Table

Complete, raw results table, intended for troubleshooting purposes. For most purposes, the results table available from Data Mining Results is more appropriate. This complete results table might contain more columns than you need to see.

Drug Index Table and Event Index Table

Oracle column indexes for drugs and events.

Master Configuration Table

Oracle Empirica Signal master data configuration table (named DM_CONFIGS), which stores attributes of all data configurations in all the source databases.

Configuration Table

Table containing information about variables in the specific data configuration that was used for the run.

Drilldown Map Table

The drilldown map table, which defines which information (such as case outcomes or narratives) appears when the results reviewer drills down to case details.

Data Source Description Table

Source description table , which defines information (such as the date the data was loaded) about the source database and appears when the results reviewer drills down to view case details and in the Notes section of tables. This table is available only it was defined for the data configuration.

Source Database Tables Referenced by Configuration

Source database tables referenced by the data configuration; for example, the demographics, drugs, and events tables.

Hierarchy Tables Referenced by Configuration

Available if an older method was used for setting up drug and event hierarchies by providing hierarchy tables for individual variables in a data configuration, and if the run used hierarchy information. For more information, see Drug and event hierarchies.

Unique Values Tables Referenced by Configuration

Unique values tables referenced by the data configuration that was used for the run.

Source Database Tables Referenced by Drilldown Map

Source database tables referenced by the drilldown map table for the data configuration. For example, the drilldown map table might reference a table containing demographics data, making demographics data available as part of the case details.