View notes about a product

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon (Signal Review icon).
  2. (Optional) From the Products By drop-down list, select a product grouping, then select a card to filter the Products table.
  3. Click the product's Row Action Menu (Row Action menu icon) and select View Notes.

    The following information about each note appears on the Drug Notes History page.

    Column Description


    Name of the drug.

    Entered By

    Name of the user who entered the note.

    Entry Date

    The date that the version of the drug note was entered.

    Notes are ordered by their Entry Date, with the most recent version of the note appearing first in the list.

  4. Choose one of the following:
    • To view a note, click the View Note link in the last column on the right.
    • To view all notes for the product, click Show All Notes.