Install and configure the X Windows Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb) (new installation)

You install X Windows Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb) to enable graphs in Oracle Empirica Signal.


  • Yum is installed and configured to use the appropriate configuration file.
  • Your system can connect to the yum repositories.

Perform these steps using the privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Determine whether Xvfb is installed:
    1. Execute the following command in a command shell:

      $ which Xvfb

      If a path to Xvfb appears, Xvfb is already installed. Alternatively, Xvfb is not installed.

    2. If Xvfb is already installed, skip to Step 3.
  2. Install Xvfb:
    1. Enter the following command to initiate the installation:

      $ sudo yum install Xvfb

      A password prompt might appear.

    2. If a password prompt appears, enter the password for the privileged user account on the application server.

      A confirmation prompt appears.

    3. Enter Y, and press Enter.
  3. Execute the following enable and daemon-reload commands to enable Xvfb:
    $ sudo su - root
    # cp <INSTALL_DIR>/service/xvfb.service
    # cd /usr/lib/systemd/system
    # systemctl enable xvfb.service
    # systemctl daemon-reload

    where <INSTALL_DIR> is the Oracle Empirica Signal installation directory. For more information, see Unpack the installation files into the installation directory.

  4. Execute the start command to start Xvfb, for example:
    # systemctl status xvfb.service
    # systemctl start xvfb.service

    The following response appears:

    Started Start Virtual Framebuffer to support generation of Empirica Signal graphs…
  5. Enter exit to terminate your session as the root user.