Scripted Signal Management Configuration

Follow these directions to upgrade the Scripted Signal Management Configuration from 8.1.x or a release prior to 9.2.2.

If upgrading from 8.1.x, upgrade the Scripted Signal Management Configuration
  1. Navigate to the Database directory, for example:
    $ cd /u01/stage/Database
  2. Start sqlplus as the Oracle Empirica Signal database user, for example:
    $ sqlplus webvdme@<TNS_NAME>
  3. When prompted, enter the password.
  4. Start logging, for example:
    SQL> spool <log file name>
  5. Execute the create_product_field_tables.sql script, for example:
    SQL> @create_product_field_tables.sql <SMC_Id>
  6. Execute the create_configurable_alerts_tables.sql
    script, for example: SQL> @create_configurable_alerts_tables.sql <SMC_Id>
  7. Execute the populate_signalcodelist_table.sql
    script, for example: SQL> @populate_signalcodelist_table.sql <SMC_Id>
  8. Execute the update_signaldrugoverview_view.sql script, for example:
    SQL> @update_signaldrugoverview_view.sql <SMC_Id>
  9. Exit sqlplus, for example:
    SQL> quit

If upgrading from a release prior to 9.2.2, upgrade the Scripted Signal Management Configuration

  1. Copy 06_create_drugoverview_view.sql file from Database/update_ssm folder into the sigmgt/db subfolder of the Scripted Signal Management software directory. For instance, if Scripted Signal Management software is installed in /u01/stage/projects/vaers_prep directory, run the following command:

    $ cp -f update_ssm/06_create_drugoverview_view.sql


  2. Edit the file in the /u01/stage/projects/vaers_prep/sigmgt directory and move the lines in Block 1 to after the lines in Block 2. This should be done for each Scripted Signal Management configuration.
    Block 1:
    invoke_dbcmd "$G_SQLPLUS""$webvdme_connect_str" \                    
                          "@db/06_create_drugoverview_view \                       
                              $INFO_SIGNALDRUGPROP_TABLE \                       
                              $INFO_SIGNALDRUGOVERVIEWBASE_TABLE \                       
                              $INFO_SIGNALDRUGOVERVIEW_TABLE" \
                          "Creating the signaldrugoverview view"
    Block 2:
    invoke_dbcmd "$G_SQLPLUS""$webvdme_connect_str" \             
                          "@db/06_install_sigmgt_tables \                   
                             $G_VAERS_SIGNAL_PREP_ACCT \                   
                             $INFO_SIGNALDRUGOVERVIEWBASE_TABLE \                   
                             $INFO_SIGNALSUMMARY_TABLE \                   
                             $INFO_SIGNALSTATGROUP_TABLE \                     
          SIGNALSUBSETDEF_${INFO_US_SIGNAL_TABLE_GROUP_ID} \                   
                             ${SITE_VAERS_SIGMGT_CONFIGID} \                   
                             $INFO_SIGNALDRUGPROP_TABLE \                   
                             $INFO_PERIOD_PRIOR0" \                          
                          "Installing the updated signal management tables in the $SITE_WEBVDME_ACCT account"


If you have questions regarding upgrading Scripted Signal Management configurations, contact Oracle Support.