Validate the configuration

Only data configurations that have passed a validation process are available for use during Oracle Empirica Signal activities.

A superuser belonging to a login group with a valid enterprise ID validates the configurations.


If a superuser or login group user with Manage Signal Configurations permission performs any customization or maintenance tasks on the multi-enterprise enabled Argus implementation, they must re-validate the configuration following the existing validation procedure.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Configurations.
  3. Click the Row Action menu (Row menu) for the Argus Mart ME configuration, and then click Edit.
  4. Click Validate Now.
  5. When validation is complete, click Continue.


    The validation process might generate warnings and errors. If warnings (but no errors) are generated, you can ignore them so that the data configuration passes validation. If errors are generated, you must correct them before the data configuration passes validation.
  6. If necessary, edit the configuration and revalidate it.