Recreate custom reports

Recreate the custom reports from the legacy OBIEE catalog so that you can run them in Oracle Analytics Server.

Once you have uploaded the OBIEE catalog, you have two options for recreating your reports:
  • You can rebuild the custom reports from scratch based on the legacy report definitions, which you can access in the Topics/Analysis Reports folder.
  • You can use the procedure below to take advantage of the XML definitions.
To recreate custom reports using the XML definitions:
  1. Expand Topics_legacy and click Analysis Reports.
  2. In the right panel, select a custom report that you want to recreate and click Edit. If an error appears, ignore it.
  3. Click the Advanced tab on the top.
  4. Copy the XML from the Analysis XML field as follows:
    1. Click in the Analysis XML field.
    2. Press Ctrl+A to select the entire XML.
    3. Press Ctrl+C to copy it.
  5. Paste the clipboard text into an XML editor and save it as a file.
  6. Locate the following item names in the XML and modify as described below:
    • Replace Subject Area name with Topic area.
    • Replace the old table name with the new table name if they are different.
    • The column names between the old and new data models are mostly comparable. If they are different, update the column name accordingly.
    Below is an example of table and columns that should be updated.

    OBIEE report definition:

    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"ActionStatesTimeline_Fact"."Action Id"</sawx:expr>

    OAS report definition:

    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Action State Timeline"."Action ID"</sawx:expr>
  7. Press Ctrl+A to select the entire modified XML, then press Ctrl+C to copy it.
  8. Click the Catalog link on the top.
  9. In the Folders section on the left, expand Shared Folders.
  10. Click the Topics folder and then Analysis Reports.
  11. Click the Create link on the top and then select Analysis.
  12. Click Topic area in the Select Subject Area window.
  13. Click the Advanced tab on the top.
  14. In the Analysis XML field, press Ctrl+A to select the entire XML, then press Ctrl+V to paste the XML you copied in step 7 above.
  15. Click Apply XML.
    If an error appears:
    1. Locate the item in question and update the XML accordingly.
    2. Click Apply XML again.
      It might require several iterations of steps a and b above to correct the XML.
  16. Once the XML is successfully applied, click the Results link on the top. Verify the results are correct.
  17. Click the Save icon in the right upper corner.