Case Scoring

Argus Signal Management supports Case Scoring.

A case score indicates how well populated a report is for a given product-event combination.

The case score is computed as the product of scores for the following categories:

  • Event seriousness
  • Product-event combination listedness
  • Product-event combination causality
  • Medical confirmation
  • Case completeness

Oracle Empirica Signal computes the scores for the categories as follows:

Category Variable Computation

Event seriousness




If the event is fatal or life-threatening—5, or

If the event is serious—3, or

If none of the previous scenarios apply—1

Product-event combination listedness


If the event is listed on the drug/product label—3

If the event is not listed on the drug/product label—1

Product-event combination causality (for Sponsored Trial cases)

Case type

Reporter related

Reporter unrelated

Company related

Company unrelated

Rechallenge positive

Dechallenge positive

If the report is reporter related and company related—8, or

If the report is reporter related or company related, and

  • The rechallenge positive is yes or dechallenge positive is yes—8, or
  • The rechallenge positive is no and dechallenge positive is no—4, or

    If the report is reporter unrelated and company unrelated—.25, or

    If the report is reporter unrelated or company unrelated—1, or

    If none of the previous scenarios apply—.5

Product-event combination causality (for Post Marketing Survey and Compassionate Use cases)

Case type

Reporter related

Reporter unrelated

Company related

Company unrelated

Rechallenge positive

Dechallenge positive

If the report is reporter related or company related, and

  • The rechallenge positive is yes—8, or
  • The dechallenge positive is yes—4, or
  • The rechallenge positive is no and dechallenge positive is no—2, or

    If the report is reporter unrelated and company unrelated—.25, or

    If the report is reporter unrelated or company unrelated—1, or

    If none of the previous scenarios apply—.5

Product-event combination causality (for Spontaneous and Literature cases)

Case type

Reporter related

Reporter unrelated

Company related

Company unrelated

Rechallenge positive

Dechallenge positive

If the report is not company related or missing, and

  • If rechallenge positive is yes—8, or
  • If dechallenge positive is yes—4, or
  • If neither rechallenge positive nor dechallenge positive are yes—2

    If none of the previous scenarios apply—.25

Product-event combination causality (for cases of any type that is not listed in a previous row)



Medical confirmation


If the report is medically confirmed—2, or

If the report is not medically unconfirmed or missing—1

Case completeness


If the report has medical confirmation, drug start date, and event onset date defined, and

  • If the report has patient gender, patient age, drug dose, drug indication, PT unevalauble, and event outcome defined—3, or
  • If the previous scenario does not apply—2

    If the report is missing medical confirmation, drug start date, or event onset date—1