Issue: An error occurs when you try to log in because the application cannot connect to the database

Try these steps in order, testing after each step to determine whether the issue is resolved.

  1. Restart Oracle WebLogic Server using the following commands:
    $ ./
    $ nohup ./ > /dev/null &
  2. In the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, verify that the data source user name is set up as EMPIRICA_OPSS with the correct password. Test the connection.
  3. In the Oracle Enterprise Manager, under System Policies, verify that the codebase paths match the installation.
  4. To check for specific permission errors, enable debugging, and examine error messages in the log file:
    1. Open the Oracle WebLogic Server start script ( in your domain directory, for example:


    2. Add the following text below the # START WEBLOGIC entry in the file:

      JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS},failure -Djps.auth.debug=true -Djps.auth.debug.verbose=true"

    3. Restart Oracle WebLogic Server using the following commands:
      $ ./
      $ nohup ./ > /dev/null &
    4. Examine the output to see whether it contains the following permission error: access denied

    5. If the error exists, look below the error at the code source, such as the following text:


    6. In Oracle Enterprise Manager, update the permission codebase paths in System Policies to reflect the missing permission.
    7. Restart Oracle WebLogic Server using the following commands:
      $ ./
      $ nohup ./ > /dev/null &
    8. After the permission issue is resolved, remove the debug options, and start Oracle WebLogic Server using the following commands:
      $ ./
      $ nohup ./ > /dev/null &