Preserve custom home pages, images, and release notes from a previous release (upgrade only)

Perform these steps to preserve any customizations you made to previous releases and to copy Release Notes documents from previous releases.

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Copy any relevant Release Notes documents from the previous installation location to the new installation location. For example, copy the Release Notes documents from the following location:

    to the following location:


  2. Copy any custom content, such as custom home pages, from the previous installation location to the new installation location. For example, copy your file from the following location:

    to the following location:


  3. Copy any custom images from the previous installation location to the new installation location. For example, copy your file from the following location:

    to the following location:



    The logo file name logo.gif is reserved for system use. If your custom logo file is named logo.gif, it will not be used. Please rename your customer logo file and reflect that change in the respective login group settings.