Reset the password for the user's Oracle Health IAMS account

As part of ongoing user management, you might have to reset the password for the user's Oracle Health IAMS account.

  1. Log into Oracle Health IAMS using the URL you received when your CDA account was created.
  2. Under Administration, click Users.
  3. Enter search criteria for the user. For example:

    From the E-mail drop-down, select Contains, and enter the user's email address.


    From the Display Name drop-down, select Contains, and enter the user's display name.

  4. Click Search.
  5. In the Search Results list, select the user’s record.
  6. Click Reset Password.

    What happens next is determined by how the tenant is configured.

    • If you are using security questions, select Auto-generate the Password, and then click Reset Password. The user receives an email containing a temporary password.


      Although it is not recommended, you can manually define a new password without emailing the new password to the user. Select Manually change the Password and fill in the password fields.


    • If you are using an email link, the Reset Password action generates an email to the user containing a link that allows the user to change the password.