Change RGPS Minimum Lambda parameter from 1.3 to 1.0 for RGPS (33556979)

Based on feedback from recent collaborative research observing RGPS scores with significant case data changes over time, two advanced modelling parameters can be set in the Signal environment: Minimum and Maximum Lambda. These affect the selection of predictors (i.e., set of contributing drugs) to be included in the regression model.

Lowering the Minimum Lambda parameter causes the algorithm to potentially include more predictors (that are positively correlated with the target event) to the adjustment regression. In this context, the Minimum Lambda parameter default was changed from 1.3 to 1.0; this has been found to increase the stability of RGPS results over time by lessening the chance of omitting an important predictor.

The Maximum Lambda parameter regulates the inclusion of predictors that are negatively correlated with the target event. The default value (unchanged in this release) is 0.3; raising that value would potentially allow more predictors that are negatively correlated with the target event to enter the regression model.

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