Introduce action type definitions into the topic workflow configuration (31848912)

Topic workflow configurations support the definition of action types as a means of standardizing the creation and use of topic actions. An action type serves both as a template for action fields, as well as a means of reporting about a particular business activity across topics.
  • Use action types with action templates to supply default values for action fields and to automatically create actions when topics are transitioned to certain states.
  • Preassign actions to users and work teams in templates that include action types.
  • Use the standard Start date field to specify a start date for the action to begin.
Once an action has entered the workflow, you can use the action type to identify similar activities in multiple topics.

Additionally, topic workflow configurations now support a Planned action state. Such planned actions can be configured to activate automatically; that is, move to the initial state, when the topic transitions to a specific state. You can also set up rules to automatically send email notifications based on different changes to actions and topics or create a rule to remind users when an action’s completion date is near, due, or overdue.