Save to topic with topic templates

If topic templates have been created by an Oracle Empirica Topics administrator, and they are visible to a work team to which the user belongs, then the Topic template drop-down list should appear in the Save to Topic dialog box.

If the user selects a topic template from the Topic template drop-down list when creating a new topic, the new topic is populated with the following from the template:

  • Topic field values for the initial topic state
  • Actions and their field values for the initial action state

If the user does not select a template from the Topic template drop-down list when creating a new topic, none of the fields of the new topic will have pre-defined values and no actions will be created automatically for the topic.

Figure 2–5 Save to Topic dialog box in Oracle Empirica Signal when topic templates are available to the user

Save to Topic dialog box in Oracle Empirica Signal when topic templates are available to the user

To render the Topic template drop-down list: