Back up existing OBIEE topics reports

If you are upgrading from an existing Oracle Business Intelligence account and have existing custom reports to preserve, back up your reports using the following procedure.


The following steps are only necessary if you are upgrading from an existing Oracle Business Intelligence instance and have custom reports that you need to preserve.

Because the Oracle Analytics database schema, data model, and catalog of Oracle Empirica Signal 9.2 are incompatible with those of earlier versions, the existing custom reports must be recreated in Oracle Analytics Server. To do this, first back up the existing reports from Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) that is integrated with Oracle Empirica Signal 9.1 as follows:

  1. Using an Oracle Empirica Signal username that has a BI or superuser privilege, log into Oracle Business Intelligence using the following URL:
    http://<OBIEEserver name>:<OBIEE_port>/analytics

    For example: http://<servername>:9502/analytics

    The OBIEE screen appears.
  2. Click the Catalog link at the top.
  3. In the Folders section on the left, expand Shared Folders.
  4. Click the Topics folder.
  5. In the bottom left Tasks section, click Rename.
  6. Type Topics_legacy in the Name field and click OK.
  7. In the bottom left Tasks panel, click Archive.
  8. Leave the options unchecked in the window then click OK.
    The file named Topics_legacy.catalog is downloaded.