Create the Oracle Analytics views for Oracle Empirica Topics

To prepare the Oracle Empirica Signal database server for Oracle Analytics, you must create the Oracle Analytics views for Oracle Empirica Topics.

  1. On the Oracle Empirica Signal application server, locate the populate_obiee_topics.sql file in the contents extracted from the file.
  2. Open the populate_obiee_topics.sql file in a text editor.
  3. Modify the following properties as needed for your environment:
    DEFINE TOPIC_WORKFLOW = '<topic workflow account>';
    DEFINE SIGNAL = '<Signal account>'
  4. In a command prompt window, execute the populate_obiee_topics.sql script as the database user you created in Create the Oracle Analytics database account for Oracle Signal Topics, for example:
    $ sqlplus OBIEE_<topic workflow account>_<topic workflow ID>@<TNS name for database connection> @populate_obiee_topics.sql

    A password prompt appears.

  5. Enter the password for the OBIEE_<topic workflow account>_<topic workflow ID> database account that you created in Create the Oracle Analytics database account for Oracle Empirica Topics.

    An ID prompt appears.

  6. Enter the topic workflow configuration ID that you entered in Create the Oracle Analytics database account for Oracle Signal Topics.

    After the script runs, the populate_obiee_topics.log file is created and can be checked for errors.