Standard VAERS signal configuration

This topic describes the standard attribute values for the VAERS signal configuration. Your organization can modify these values as needed.

Attribute Standard Value for VAERS Signal Management


VAERS Signal Configuration


VAERS Signal Management Configuration



Default signal view

Open signals with new cases 1-Month

Topic workflow configuration


Topic product field


Disable default view

No (unchecked)

Disable review period

No (unchecked)

Disable private comment

Yes (checked)

Data configuration for 2D runs

Latest VAERS (alias for most recent VAERS)

Data configuration for 3D runs

Latest VAERS (alias for most recent VAERS)

Drug variable

Vaccine type

Event variable for 2D runs

Event: PT_plus_Narrow_Alg_SMQ

Event variable for 3D runs

Event: PT

Stratification variables

Sex, AGE_GROUP_6, Report received year

Subset variable for signal history

Report received month

Subset variable for Nsince counts

Load month

Project for data mining runs

VAERS Signal Mgmt

Publish data mining runs

No (unchecked)

Allow reviewers to manage their drug's reference data

Yes (checked)